Wednesday, 5 January 2011

What's Your Poison?

Hey, yhello and howdy? What's your Poison? Nope,  i do not mean, poison in the literal sense, i actually mean ,  your strength, what gives you the ultimate confidence, self esteem , what really helps you stand tall amongst the crowd, your positive "ness",your power.

There are different poisons for different people, i believe that no two persons can actually have exactly same poison.Discover your poison and make the most of it.Whatever it is, appreciate it, as this will be the solid platform on which to strenghten your confidence. But, beware, should you discover that your poison is arrogance, try to work on it, as not doing so, might lead to a disastrous failure, as this is a negative "ness".
Should you discover any positive poison or "ness", then hold on tight to it, and make the most of it. Let no one bring you down, rather always tell  them to bring it on , 'cause you've got the poison, to kill their negative attitude.
                    Today's Quote:

Whatever your "Poison" is,appreciate it and appreciate yourself, for no one would, if you do not in a positive way.                                                                               -Brownie

From Moi
To You
I say
Keep Cool

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we should register your quotes so that they are forever associated with your name. Keep writing, we are here reading it.
