Tuesday, 4 January 2011

So much in a Day.

Another day is gone, another night has fallen, we look to see come forth another dawn to follow. But, how so much can we do within a morning, within a noon, within an evening, within a night.Really looking at the time as it rolls by, i think and rethink, how i can really and truly improve my life, environment and those of the people around me.

Last night, there was  earth tremour around the Northwest of England,Hours later, there came the snow fall (midnight), same midnight the VAT rised  by 2.5%, and,a few hours after that, the  Lunar Eclipse happened (early dawn), so many have died since the break of dawn. So much in one night . How much can we do within a full day.

Something we need to always remember is, whatever we do, we need to be charitable with our smile, cheerfulness and little tenderness. The moment this is shared, might actually be the last moment for either the giver or the receiver of these charititable acts.

Pondering over things, i have come to realise, that not so much can we do, as human beings, but so much and many more can be done in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours and days, by the creator.Whatever, we think of doing, we should always realise that we cannot do more than we are actuallly destined to do.
We can only heat so much, drink so much, study so much , sleep so much, work so much, earn so much, do so much of so much, but, that much really is all that we can truly,really and ever do.
                     Today's Quote:
 "Only so much, can be done,at a time. Not more can be done, than you have being destined for by your creator."                                                       -   Brownie
From Moi
To You
Keep cool

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