Thursday, 3 November 2011

Unspoken Words

Words are the most powerful things in this life, most especially when they are unspoken. Today have i sat to write this. I do not know what to blog about, but, blog i must today.......
I lied to myself....i never got to blog that night...Well, i started writing this particular  blog almost two weeks ago, but all i could muster were the few words atop. Simply because, i just could not carry on. So many times, we want to say some things, so many times we need to say some things, and so many times , those things are left unsaid. Though, a saying goes thus "some things are better left unsaid". But, how true to reality is this? Words that remain unspoken leads to feelings that will remain flaccid and never felt. 
For how long are you prepared to keep your words to yourself? For how long do you want to keep your feelings bottled up? For how long do you hope to remain in despair? For how long do you want to remain silent, killing your words and your feelings?
To my mind, i think there is not enough time to remain silent, for say whatever you have to say today, because, tomorrow may never come, and, if it comes, it may never give you the chance. One thing i know for certain is : tomorrow will surely forgive you, for saying the wrong thing , but, it may never forgive you, for saying nothing at all. Say what you have to say, do what you have to do, go where you have to go. Touch your dreams if you can, dream your dream, for it is only you, who knows what lies deep within your heart.
Never give up on anything, not your words the least. For you never know, your words may be the key to your ultimate goal or success. Ask and you shall be given, though, you may not be given all the time,but silence definitely is not the ultimate.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Dignity In Labour

Dignity, is honour, respect, self esteem and contentment. Labour definitely is not pain, suffering or hardship. As i slept last night,through my sub consciousness, i pondered over the fact that, i studied Law as my first degree but never practised. I am more inclined to jobs that would enable me show affection towards other people. A smile a day would do. 
Haven said that, one would think i would practise law, just to put a smile on someone's face or rather be instrumental in breaking a home, or bring sorrow to homes where joy resides. Often people ask me why i decided to re-qualify into the finance sector? And my answer has never changed, it has remained same for as long as i knew i could not go into practice.
Question: Why did you study law, yet decide to re-qualify as an accountant?
Answer  : My conscience and guts are not solid enough for the job.
Question: So, is your conscience strong enough for accounting?
Answer  : Well, at least i will help people save money, pay them and essentially would always try to put smiles      on their faces.
I know that most people still do not get it. As a prosecutor,how sure are you that the accused has truly committed the crime?. As  a defence lawyer, how sure are you that , your client is not guilty of the crime? How true to reality are the evidences and witness statements you are building your case upon. As a conveyance lawyer, you have to tweak documents, so as to save your clients some money as well as get higher mortgage lender bargain. As an immigration lawyer, how sure are you that the gory stories are true? You tweak lots of documents. As a family lawyer, how sure are you that either of the couple is not lying, especially your own client? There are so many of these speciality fields that do not conform with my conscience. I abide by laws, rules and regulations to the best of my ability and knowledge. 
To all practising lawyers, i give KUDOS to you all, as i know that sometimes, you would experience sleepless nights, simply because of the dark cloud of uncertainty hovering over a case. Yet, some how, you always still find a way to carry on, and see  the case to a reasonably conclusive end . Be it the "GUILTY" or "NOT GUILTY" verdict. To you their is still dignity in your labour, and to me as well i retain my ultimate dignity in labour.

Whatever, your profession is, always be upright and retain your self esteem, for no matter how low paying, you think your job or profession is, i tell you what.......there are millions out there with neither a job nor a penny, yet their dignity is priority.

"Always put your dignity first before anything and not your pride, as pride comes before fall. But with dignity, you will walk tall, with your pride by your side and not on your shoulders...."

Till i come your way next time 
Fro moi to you
I say 
Keep kool.


Sunday, 31 July 2011

In Pursuit Of Happiness

 Pursuit of happiness is one thing that every human being does aspire to do , and want to reach. But, how close do we all get to our happiness? Well, i cannot say much for that, cos, it always seem like we are all chasing shadows. Money, they say surely cannot buy one, happiness, that , i think is one fact, that the rich can surely testify to. It can, to some extent though,buy one , whatever you think will ensure or try to make one happy.

Everyday, i try to to pursue happiness, but, what i have realised is....... no one will go out of his or her way to make you happy. Happiness comes from within. You and you, alone can make yourself happy. Never, ever think that ,you can never be happy. You sure can! But, this only happens, if you let go of yourself, and try to live for each moment, for surely no one can tell tomorrow, so , always let tomorrow be,  and enjoy whatever it is that today brings, for tomorrow will surely come and surely take care of itself. But, one unsure thing is, one may never live to see that tomorrow. So, why bother.........?

              Today's Quote....
             "Enjoy every second of your time, 
              and leave every next 
             to take  care of itself.....

At this point, i will like to say, take care and stay connected. Remain calm, and ultimately remain yourself.

From Moi

To You

I Say 

Keep Cool


Saturday, 29 January 2011

So Long.......

Hi, yeah, I'm back, being so busy with school, work and so many other things. How have you all being? Fine, i presume.
Since, i resumed back to work in January, i have being involved in so many things, work, school and talent hunt. Yes , talent hunt, being searching for my whao factor, so as to expatiate on it, and promote it with positivity This has ,not being an easy challenge, but, i have since not being disappointed. I have sat for an exam, which  i am really thankful for.  I have missed you all, though, but i am hoping to come back fully soon, And , blog all the way, but, please, pardon moi for now, as i may not blog regularly still, for the fact that, i am still really busy with work and school, as well as putting together my on-line sales website, yes, it has gone live already, but i am still stocking up as well. So, can you see how busy i have being and will still be in future?.
Meanwhile, may i cease this opportunity to introduce my new online clothing website,
Please, do vist and patronise us. Thanking you for your future custom.

From Moi

To You

I Say 
Keep Cool


Friday, 7 January 2011

Dream your Dream

Hi, hope you've had a fantastic week so far and drifting into the weekend with hope and bliss.
Dream your dream, yes! it sounds crazy  right. I feel i can hear you ask, how can i dream when dreams are nothing but fantasy? Yes, dreams are fantasy, but, i tell you what, dreams may seem or sound unreal, unrealistic, seem like fantasy, untouchable, unachievable. Always hold on tight to your dreams, because, they are touchable after all., the fantasy island can be a place where you'll live forever, and always still have to pinch yourself, of which after a while, you will definately stop pinching yourself, as it will then be your normal and everyday life and mode of  living.

So many people have held on to their dreams and touched them , there are so many rags to riches stories, grass to grace, as well as happily ever after endings. Why not make your story one of the success story statistics, rather than the failed story statistics Take a trip to success land, shoning failure, distraction and doubts on your way.Everyone has got the right to pursue happiness, for in its pursuit, shall you find fulfilment of  your dreams which finally hands to you the key to happiness.

It has being all over the news, the story of Ted Williams, who had a dream of becoming a radio presenter, despite the odds of his life, the drugs, homelesness and pennylessness.One thing that never changed was his dream, he held on so tight on to it. Do you know why? Because, he discovered his poison, and luck finally found him. Ted Williams, is another success story.Why not be one?

                                          Today's Quote:
"Success will not find you, if you do not endeavour to find success in its own entirety".-Brownie
Below, is Ted Williams before success,

Now, with his second chance.

It's never too late to discover your poison, dream your dream and try the second chance.

From Moi
To You
I Say
Keep Cool.


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

What's Your Poison?

Hey, yhello and howdy? What's your Poison? Nope,  i do not mean, poison in the literal sense, i actually mean ,  your strength, what gives you the ultimate confidence, self esteem , what really helps you stand tall amongst the crowd, your positive "ness",your power.

There are different poisons for different people, i believe that no two persons can actually have exactly same poison.Discover your poison and make the most of it.Whatever it is, appreciate it, as this will be the solid platform on which to strenghten your confidence. But, beware, should you discover that your poison is arrogance, try to work on it, as not doing so, might lead to a disastrous failure, as this is a negative "ness".
Should you discover any positive poison or "ness", then hold on tight to it, and make the most of it. Let no one bring you down, rather always tell  them to bring it on , 'cause you've got the poison, to kill their negative attitude.
                    Today's Quote:

Whatever your "Poison" is,appreciate it and appreciate yourself, for no one would, if you do not in a positive way.                                                                               -Brownie

From Moi
To You
I say
Keep Cool

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

So much in a Day.

Another day is gone, another night has fallen, we look to see come forth another dawn to follow. But, how so much can we do within a morning, within a noon, within an evening, within a night.Really looking at the time as it rolls by, i think and rethink, how i can really and truly improve my life, environment and those of the people around me.

Last night, there was  earth tremour around the Northwest of England,Hours later, there came the snow fall (midnight), same midnight the VAT rised  by 2.5%, and,a few hours after that, the  Lunar Eclipse happened (early dawn), so many have died since the break of dawn. So much in one night . How much can we do within a full day.

Something we need to always remember is, whatever we do, we need to be charitable with our smile, cheerfulness and little tenderness. The moment this is shared, might actually be the last moment for either the giver or the receiver of these charititable acts.

Pondering over things, i have come to realise, that not so much can we do, as human beings, but so much and many more can be done in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours and days, by the creator.Whatever, we think of doing, we should always realise that we cannot do more than we are actuallly destined to do.
We can only heat so much, drink so much, study so much , sleep so much, work so much, earn so much, do so much of so much, but, that much really is all that we can truly,really and ever do.
                     Today's Quote:
 "Only so much, can be done,at a time. Not more can be done, than you have being destined for by your creator."                                                       -   Brownie
From Moi
To You
Keep cool

Monday, 3 January 2011

Can you be by Yourself?

Hmmmmmmhhh.....!!!!! Hey, hope you had a funfilled holiday, have you done anything interesting or gone anywhere interesting? Or have you being all by yourself strategizing, on how to carry on with the year?

Well, as for moi, i have being by myself all day, not in the lieral sense, but in the technical sense, i woke up today, got myself ready for the day and went to the living room to watch some "telly", "OBSESSED" to be precise is the movie i watched for the umpteenth time, for the fact that i wanted to see Beyonce in action , other than singing, though, i had the option of "Dream Girls" or "Temptation", but i could not be bothered, 'cause there was a nice tomboy fight at the end of the movie.
By the time,i was almost through with the movie, every other person in the house, was awake, and we all watched the movie to the end.Good, i hear you say, nice start. Yeeeaaah right..!!!!

After, the movie, everyone got glued to their laptops, even though, the "E channe"l was on, just bits of comments here and there.I truly am not complaining, but just felt so uncomfortable, as i am one known to talk a lot, and bring life to aywhwere i am, love gisting, laughing and most of all being happy around people.
Can you be by yourself? is the question, cause, i definately cannot. Not  talking about relationships here.Just everyday life.Can you isolate yourself and not speak with anyone? Though, sometimes, it is understandable that people do need  their space and time, but, whao ! that is quite funny to me.

Also, i keep wondering and trying to recollect, how we had survived without computers and internet, as it has so changed our lives and dispositions.Everyone tends to get so extra-ordinarily addicted to computers doing one thing or another.  I definately am not an exception, as i am on the system blogging away,right now.

How so much our existence has changed, i think we all need to take some time off computers, so as to improve our communication and human relation skills.As this tends to present us as too quiet and sometimes unfriendly.

                      Today's Quote:
"Whatever the situation is, always be yourself, as that is what will please your mind the most "

Have some fun with Beyonce's Diva....

Keep Cool
From moi
To You


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Nice Day

Hello all, good day, its late though for today's blogging. I woke up really happy today, can't really tell why i felt so happy this morning, but, all thesame,i am glad for the wonderful mood i ended up with today.

Though, not much happened today, just had  a nice time,with my family, did some cooking and watched a few movies. I can hear you ask, what did i prepare? Rice based meals actually.

Glad that, Matt Cardle of  ITV talent show "X-Factor" winner made the number one single for 2011,with his, "When we collide" even though, it missed being 2010 christmas single, while Rihanna remains at number two with "What's my name"

Enjoy the music videos.

Keep cool

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year New Dawn

                                      New Year,New Dawn..
Happy new year to you,oh yes you, my reader.HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Do you feel like , it's just the dawn of another day or a new year. Well, it will be so interesting for you to know that, i woke up indifferently , today. Besides, it may actually blow you, to know that , i was already deeply asleep, before 12am, i mean , the official new year time.Woke up about 6am, though, one sweet thing about the sleep, is the fact that, my other half wished me Happy New Year with a kiss at 12am. But, that's all i can remember about the night.
Just as the Chrysanthemum blossoms in the early morning dew, think of the bright colour that comes forth from it, then shall you truly appreciate what each and every dawn brings forth. Beauty, hope, forthrightness.Never give up in whatever you are doing or whatever you do. The road might be long, the journey might be discouraging,painful, tiring, but the blink of light at the end of the tunnel, justifies the miles travelled,courage mustered, pain endured and tiredness of the journey.
Have you got mixed feeling?Did you just think, Oh my God! another year? Or just indifferent, as i felt earlier.The new dawn is  a year to be positive and not indifferent, is all i had to say to myself......and guess what , i'm already feeling a lot better as i am blogging, cos, i feel the therapeutic effect of having to tell it as it is, without physically opening my mouth or moving my lips. What a wonderful feeling  that is!
I have entered into 2011 with so much strength, determination, confidence,consciousness, endurance, tolerance, all these friends of mine and lots more of their positive acquaintances are my strongest team mates, we make a strong and formidable team.This year, i am determined to harnesss all the positive "ness" in my life.

                                                   Today's Quote
"All existing things are really one. We regard those that are beautiful and rare as valuable, and those that are ugly, foul and rotten.The foul and rotten may come to be transformed into what is rare and valuable, and the rare and valuable into what is foul and rotten"  -Zhuangzi
The year 2011, i believe promises to be fantastic with lots of gist to come your way from moi.
From Moi
To You
Keep Cool